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Emma Trovas

The therapist for ambitious professionals to find their self–worth, inner peace and passion so they can love living life again while supporting, inspiring and leading others.

Become a calm and confident Perfumed Warrior from the conference room to the bedroom.


Find your true self-worth and start loving your life, empowered and authentic with the calm self-awareness and resilience of a Perfumed Warrior.


If self doubt, anxiety and imposter syndrome are holding you back from feeling worthy and really loving your life book your FREE 30 Minute Insight Call with Thought Flow Grow.

Areas of Expertise

Strategic Psychotherapy, Advanced Conversational & Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Mindfulness & Meditation.

THOUGHT FLOW GROW is dedicated to helping you live a purposeful happy, healthy, connected life, free from the self limiting beliefs that prevent you from living life on your terms. I am passionate about helping you reconnect to or create and maintain a version of emotional and physical well being that is unique to you.

I believe, when you take back control of your THOUGHT patterns and they FLOW in a positive and mindful way you will GROW emotionally and spiritually and be empowered to live your life authentically.


I will help you overcome your negative thought patterns and the inner critic that can sabotage you, so you can take back control of your life and love living again.


As an experienced therapist, I will guide you out of the darkness of chronic stress and self doubt and into the empowering, resilient and confident person you are.


I help people find the warrior within, while not losing the special piece of themselves,  the inner spark that is unique to them. I'll help you reconnect to or find the Perfumed Warrior within.


Think of me as a guide for high-achieving professionals looking to effortlessly create a meaningful path out of the stressful patterns of self-limiting beliefs so you can stop living with self-doubt and anxiety. 




Does this sound like you?

You feel like a fraud or put your achievements down to luck, even after reaching great career goals

Working for 30 years in the health care sector in high performing roles I rarely trusted my own abilities, knowledge or recognised how much I had achieved. Feeling I was just lucky to land the roles and that they possibly made a mistake hiring me.

You feel that your ideas and skills are not worthy of others' attention

I over analysed much of what I said, did or achieved. Often thinking others had more to offer than me. Not living my life freely, through fear of getting it wrong, judgement or lack of support.

You see criticism as your imminent failure

I felt criticism was proof that I was not suitable for the role and that I was letting people down. That they would realise I wasn't smart enough and they got it wrong .

You struggle to accept small faults and strive to make things perfect

I was having sleepless nights worrying about little imperfections, mistakes that may or may not happen and refining systems to work more efficiently so I could get more done. Beating myself up when I didn't meet my own high demands.

You miss out on opportunities to progress due to second guessing yourself

I dreamed of living a fuller, happier life and progressing in my career but I felt trapped inside myself and felt like I was lucky to be where I was, so why change things and risk failure.

You feel guilty when you take time to care for yourself?

I would feel guilty if I took time to myself to rest... or heaven forbid do something I loved. I just kept pushing through risking my health to reach unrealistic goals.

You struggle to say no, so take on more and more responsibilities?

I spent much of my time trying to "do the right thing". I found myself taking on more and more responsibilities, struggling to say no and taking over responsibility through fear of not being good enough.


I actually am in disbelief at how my anxiety has completely subsided after my session with Emma. I immediately felt calmer and less worried but really noticed a difference over the following weeks after our session. Things that would worry me and trigger my anxiety just didn’t anymore. I was in the early stages of my pregnancy when I had my session with Emma and was worrying about the threat of miscarriage regularly. I can honestly say after a week or 2 after our session, the regular worry and stress of that thought was gone. I don’t even know how to explain it but I am in such a better head space since my session!


Estelle Georgiakakis Property Manager, Botany NSW

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